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Organics Initiative


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Sullivan County Kicks Off Organics Management Initiative

As reported around the County, November 30th , The Sullivan County Department of Solid Waste and Recycling announced the official kickoff of a Countywide organics management program. Stakeholders from several sectors were included in the initial meeting held November 29 at the Government Center. “By managing the organic component of our garbage within the County, we can potentially save over $1 million in tipping fees that exit the County economy and reduce over 800 tons of CO2 emissions per year. The result will be a product that can be used to enhance our local soils. This project is the ultimate ‘all-win’ for Sullivan County residents and taxpayers,” said William Cutler, Sullivan County’s Recycling Coordinator.  It is imperative that we have a good data set on the volumes and organics managements needs of our businesses in the County so that our program is custom designed for the County. Chamber Members may mail or email their responses back by Dec. 18th to:

Donna Egan, Director
Sullivan County Department of Solid Waste & Recycling
100 North St. – PO Box 5012
Monticello, NY 12701

For additional information about this program, including how you can become more involved, please contact Solid Waste & Recycling Director Donna Egan at 845-807-0294.

Thank you for your input and your concern for your community!

Jaime Schmeiser
President & CEO
Sullivan County Chamber of Commerce
196 Bridgeville Road, Suite 7
Monticello, New York 12701

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